"Therefore, Go"
The Great Co-mpassion; Imagine a new platform to communicate the gospel - a new way of going after the ONE in a pandemic-stricken world. Beyond borders, beyond walls, beyond worlds.
"And make disciples of all nations..."
The Great Co-Mission. Imagine a new way of co-operating together for the Kingdom. A radically different approach in how nations will disciple nations, as they congregate together, - apart from each other, yet a part of the same meta-verse.
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age"
The Great Co-mmunity. Imagine a fully-transparent and decentralised, missions co-mmunity. A brave space where all voices can be heard and taken seriously; relating as equals and holding each other accountable. A glimpse of the One who is fully light, and in Him there is no darkness.

The Great

The Metaverse will increasingly become our reality – but is the presence of God there?


MissionDAO is the world’s first transparent and decentralised missions-giving ecosystem. We believe that the only solution to the human condition is Jesus – and the kingdom of God needs to be advanced – both on earth and the digital sphere.


Though not formally affiliated, we join alongside the good work that is already being done by churches and non-profit organizations, while harnessing the potential of a decentralised framework.

And with that same great potential comes an even greater responsibility for accountability – trust is key in this space and good governance is a crucial piece in it.


Through the MissionDAO NFT art sales, we aim to fund both traditional missionaries and digital missions, while also empowering other Kingdom-minded artists and businesses.

Digital Missions

Metaverse encounters, immersive experiences & virtual discipleship.

Traditional Missions

Supporting independent missionaries & equipping the next generation.

Christian Businessess

Brand awareness, creative collaboration and new opportunities.

Christian Artists

Amplifying their expressions and exposure in the digital space.

Our Partners

Strategy 01

We want to be accountable to where your sowing goes to. Through the visibility and transparency of the blockchain, you get to monitor how your money is spent in real-time, reducing the opportunities for corruption or human error.

Through setting up a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO), we desire to decentralize decision-making processes to all who hold onto our token. This means that you get to monitor how your money is spent and vote on matters important to you.
  • By collaborating with other givers to increase the size of the funding pool, MissionDAO allows givers to make a greater scale of impact with their giving.

  • Through MissionDAO, givers receive awareness and access to a greater reservoir of missions-giving opportunities, which they can be a blessing to.

  • Our digital space is continuously evolving from Web2.0 to Web3.0 (and with the Metaverse becoming more prevalent in the future), we have the desire, passion, and peace to utilise these revolutionary frontier technologies (crypto, NFTs, and DAOs) to advance the Kingdom of God. Thus, our focus is not only to be a blessing to traditional missions, but to also fund cutting-edge digital missions projects as well, allowing us to have first mover’s advantage in the Metaverse.

To Give and Receive 02


MissionDAO aims to be a thriving ecosystem and community where one can both give and receive – forming a culture of sowing into others – be it through time, resources, art, or skills. By owning one of our limited NFT art, you get to be a blessing and gain a front row seat to this new work that we sense God is doing amongst us, and through us.
Governance 03
All resources moving in and out of the fund are transparent for all to see on the blockchain. Power is decentralised to the DAO token-holders – no more top-down unanimous decisions – you get to vote on mission causes & organizations close to your heart, together with the community!

A. Voting, Town Hall

We will conduct regular Town Halls for the community to submit proposals, discuss, and vote on matters crucial to MissionDAO.


We will use the Gnosis Snapshot as our decentralized voting system. Snapshot is an off-chain gasless multi-governance client. All votes will be fully transparent and easily verifiable. A supermajority of 65% is required for any vote to pass.

B. Allocation, Vaults

Proceeds from the ‘Genesis’ mint will go into 3 different wallets: Mission Giving Fund (MGF), MissionDAO Operations (MDO), and MissionDAO Community Wallet (MDC). All receipts will be available on Polyscan.

No Data Found

  • Physical & Digital Mission Funding
  • Payment for the work done by the Team prior to Mint.
  • 2022 Q2 Hiring Budget
  • Misc. Operation Costs
  • Payment for the work done by the artists for the ‘Genesis’ NFTs.
  • DAO Token Holders Rewards
First Collection


Supply: 2500

Price: 300USD





Woven into the Word of God is the greatest love story ever told: A Father’s cry for his son, “where are you?” that rings throughout the bible.


‘Genesis’ will be the first of many launches that will collectively make up the 66 books of the bible. Each piece of art is intended to be a gateway for diverse walks of people to encounter the word of God. Future launches will include the remaining books in the Bible, such as Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and so on.


Unlike other NFT projects that focus on mass production, our supply of NFTs are kept intentionally low, so as to not dilute the overall MissionDAO community.

Artwork by Christopher Powers


“In the beginning…”

Genesis 1:1–2:3


“Every fiber of space and every splinter of time exists from, in, and for the crucified and risen Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:15-17). Every tree, every mountain, every star, every story, every soul exists to declare His Name and so glorify the Father in Him. Because of this, every piece of art that I create is about Jesus Christ, crucified and risen.” – Christopher Powers⁣

Artwork by Sidney Mohede


“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.”

Genesis 2:21–22


Knowing full well the command of God, Adam partook of the apple – choosing Eve over His creator; sin and death entered the world. Was it rebellious and misinformed? Yes. Yet, in the midst of tragedy it was an act of love. Then came the second Adam who set it right – choosing death and separation from His Father, He mounted the cross. Our Lord Jesus Christ chose us. An act of love.

Artwork by Sound of Art: Larry James


“So Noah went out, and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with him. Every animal, every creeping thing, every bird, and whatever creeps on the earth, according to their families, went out of the ark.”

Genesis 8:18–19


Redemption. Accountability. Stewardship. Hope. Masterfully reflected in this beautiful piece is the beauty of Christ in the midst of the winds and waves of the flood and the animals that lined up in twos to board the ark. A stark reminder of God’s covenant with humanity never to destroy the world again.

Artwork by Sound of Art: Swasti Wonowidjojo


“He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”

Genesis 15:5


“In the book of Genesis, Abraham was sad that he didn’t have a child and a servant would inherit all his possessions. However, God showed him the night sky and instead of promising him just one heir, He was going to give him so many offspring that he would not even be able to count them. God is so generous… He oversupplies and His promises carry throughout generations.” – Swasti Wonowidjojo

Artwork by Tommy Chandra


“Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors.”

Genesis 37:3


Favour. Beauty. Love. Bringing the story of Joseph alive with vivid, bright, and sleek illustrations, reflected in this narrative is the favour showered by Jacob on his youngest son Joseph. While the coat drew the ire of Joseph’s brothers, it reminds us of the impartial love and favour that our Father in Heaven showers on us from the heavens above because of the finished work of Christ.

Artwork by Christopher Powers


“In the beginning…”

Genesis 1:1–2:3


“Every fiber of space and every splinter of time exists from, in, and for the crucified and risen Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:15-17). Every tree, every mountain, every star, every story, every soul exists to declare His Name and so glorify the Father in Him. Because of this, every piece of art that I create is about Jesus Christ, crucified and risen.” – Christopher Powers⁣

Artwork by Sidney Mohede


“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.”

Genesis 2:21–22


Knowing full well the command of God, Adam partook of the apple – choosing Eve over His creator; sin and death entered the world. Was it rebellious and misinformed? Yes. Yet, in the midst of tragedy it was an act of love. Then came the second Adam who set it right – choosing death and separation from His Father, He mounted the cross. Our Lord Jesus Christ chose us. An act of love.

Artwork by Sound of Art: Larry James


“So Noah went out, and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with him. Every animal, every creeping thing, every bird, and whatever creeps on the earth, according to their families, went out of the ark.”

Genesis 8:18–19


Redemption. Accountability. Stewardship. Hope. Masterfully reflected in this beautiful piece is the beauty of Christ in the midst of the winds and waves of the flood and the animals that lined up in twos to board the ark. A stark reminder of God’s covenant with humanity never to destroy the world again.

Artwork by Sound of Art: Swasti Wonowidjojo


“He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”

Genesis 15:5


“In the book of Genesis, Abraham was sad that he didn’t have a child and a servant would inherit all his possessions. However, God showed him the night sky and instead of promising him just one heir, He was going to give him so many offspring that he would not even be able to count them. God is so generous… He oversupplies and His promises carry throughout generations.” – Swasti Wonowidjojo

Artwork by Tommy Chandra


“Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors.”

Genesis 37:3


Favour. Beauty. Love. Bringing the story of Joseph alive with vivid, bright, and sleek illustrations, reflected in this narrative is the favour showered by Jacob on his youngest son Joseph. While the coat drew the ire of Joseph’s brothers, it reminds us of the impartial love and favour that our Father in Heaven showers on us from the heavens above because of the finished work of Christ.

NFt utility

The Mission DAO NFT will serve as your Governance Token to propose and vote on Mission DAO matters.
1 Mission DAO NFT = 1 DAO Governance Token = 1 Vote
Funding traditional missions. Catalysing digital missions that will advance the kingdom of God in the digital space and Metaverse. Supporting Christian businesses and artists. Pioneering a new way of giving that is transparent and decentralized.
This NFT art work will be thoughtfully crafted by a group of Christian artists.


  • Genesis Mint
  • Fully Operational DAO
  • Pledging USD68,000 to across eight Traditional & Digital Missionaries
  • Application, Due Diligence and Voting to begin to be a blessing to other Traditional & Digital Missionaries.
  • ‘Genesis’ DAO Token Holders Rewards

Coming Soon

  • Genesis Mint
  • Fully Operational DAO
  • Genesis Holders Reward

Coming Soon

The Team

Creative Director


Missionary Partnerships


Community Manager


Writer & Public Relations


Writer & Missionary Partnerships


Project Manager
Jonathan Ogden
MissionDAO Partner
Jacob Coyne
MissionDAO Partner

Sidney Mohede

MissionDAO Partner

Join The Mission

Own a MissionDAO NFT or join any of our social channels

All Rights Reserved Mission DAO © 2022